A step towards a unifying model for eye movements

Dr. Gustavo Gasaneo



To understand the human being and their interactions as a physical object

The sociology is a sort of thermodinamic where the particles are human beings





The eye anatomy

The orbit

Eye Muscles

Ocular Movements

Physical Model

Muscles Model

Hill's Model (1938)

Active Component

$F_{act}=F_0 f_l(\tilde{l}_m)f_v(\tilde{v}_m) a(t)$

Muscular Activation

$\frac{da(t)}{dt}+[ \frac{1}{\tau_{act}}(\beta+(1-\beta)u(t))] a(t)=\frac{1}{\tau_{act}}u(t)$

$ 0 < \beta <1 $

and $\tau_{act}$
is a constant of temporal activation.

Tendon Elastic Force


where $K_t(F_t)$ represents the relation between the force and the length

Total force of the muscle

$F_m=F_{pe}+F_{act}+B_m \dot{l}_m$

(Zajac, F.E., In CRC Critical Reviews in Biomechanical Engineering 17, 359 (1989))

Ocular Dynamic

The equation for the muscle of mass $M_m$ is

$M_m \ddot{l}_m = F_t \cos \alpha - \cos^2 \alpha (F_{act}+F_{pe} +B_m \dot{l}_m) + \frac{M_m \dot{l}_m^2 \tan^2 \alpha}{l_m}$

The momenta equations for the six muscles give

$(\vec{r}_{ri}\times \vec{F}_{ri})+(\vec{r}_{re}\times \vec{F}_{re})+$
$+(\vec{r}_{os}\times \vec{F}_{os})+(\vec{r}_{oi}\times \vec{F}_{oi}) +(\vec{r}_{om}\times \vec{F}_{om})+(\vec{r}_{om}\times \vec{F}_{om})+ \vec{M}_{s}= J_G \dot{\vec{\omega}}$

Horizontal saccadic movements.

Only 2 muscles are involved.

Physical representation
of the eye

Introducing the state vector:

$x^T(t)=[\Theta \, \, \, \dot{\Theta} \, \, \, l_{m1} \, \, \, \dot{l}_{m1} \, \, \, l_{m2} \, \, \, \dot{l}_{m2} \, \, \, F_{t1} \, \, \, F_{t2} \, \, \, a_1 \, \, \, a_2]$

the equations for the motion of the eyes are:


As an example, we use the initial state vector:

$x^T(0)=[0 \, \, \, 0 \, \, \, 4 \, \, \, 0 \, \, \, 4 \, \, \, 0 \, \, \, 20 \, \, \, 20 \, \, \, .17 \, \, \, .17]$

( Robinson, D.A., J. of Physiol., 174:245-264, (1964) )
and solve numerically the system of equation


10° saccadic movement (Position-time)


10° saccadic movement (Velocity-tiempo)

& perspectives

  1. A much more elaborate physical representation for the eye is needed
  2. A careful study of the muscles structure is required
  3. A careful and complete mathematical representation for the eye muscle is still needed

  4. To stablish a closer link between eye movement and reading in physics and mathematics
  5. To link more closely attention with saccades and microsaccades